Monday, April 28, 2008


Anaz is number six and Anaz is turning six tomorrow, 29th April 2008. Last week Anaz asked me again, "Mak, kita dah cukup duit ke? Anaz nak beli game...". He knew from my expression what he needed to do immediately, next, he launched off : "Ya Allah, bagi lah Mak aku duit, Mak aku nak bayar hutang, aku nak beli game, Ya Allah, Amin."

Anaz does not understand the meaning of luxury because when he was two, my business started going downhill, now he will be six, we are still unable to bounce back yet.

I'm grateful to Allah for putting me through this test. I have learned to appreciate more. And I've become a better person in many, many ways. Most of all, I'm at peace with myself because I found God.

It is four years now that we are in the dumps and money is very scarce and hard to come by, ever. To top it all up, the business debts are so huge that I'd be lying if I say I can sleep at night most nights. If not for the faith I have in God, I would have gone cuckoo thinking of all the financial problems our family is facing now.

Anaz, like the other five of my children is God's ultimate gift to me. Anaz is such an inspiration. He said something that strengthened my faith in God, ever more. Once is a while, I would ask him, "Anaz, when is God answering our prayers to settle Mak's debts?". He replied in the most convincing manner, "Allah tengah loading tu Mak."

I told my husband about the remark which resulted in him grinning from ear to ear..."See, tak sia-sia main playstation and letting him you-tube with me".

Anaz, Mak knows that what you said is true, that Allah is in the midst of 'loading' the good tidings for us, Amin.

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